Monday, March 26, 2007

Transcendentalism Assignment 3: Scenario 2

I would have gone back to school to become a teacher, if that was what I really wanted to do it and its possible and it was within practical limits. I don't think its entirely fair that his wife has to pay for his college though, maybe he could have used funds that would have been used on lawschool, or if not go out and get a job, as he probably has some degree of experience. I think that the transcendentalist would think similiarly on this, as they believed that humaninty was good and should follow what they felt was right within themselves, Emerson writing:

"With Consistency a great soul simply has nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with the shadow on the wall. Out upon your gaurded lips! Sew them up with a packthread, do. Else, if you would bve a man, speak what you think today in words as hard as cannon balls, and tommorow speak what tommorow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today."

1 comment:

D a n a said...

It is easy to find good quotes in Emerson, isn't it?